5 Tips for Keeping Your Smile Healthy During the Holiday Season
December 16, 2020

The holiday season is here at last, and with it comes a higher risk of getting cavities thanks to the abundance of sugary seasonal treats. While some classic holiday foods like candy canes might be good for your soul, your teeth aren’t the best fans. Fortunately, your dentist in Fresno has five tips to help you enjoy the holiday season without damaging your smile.
(more…)Is There a Link Between Sleep Apnea and Anxiety?
December 2, 2020

Unsurprisingly, diagnoses for both anxiety and sleep apnea have risen in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused millions of Americans to feel more stressed out than they have ever been, leading them to toss and turn each night instead of getting the restful sleep they deserve. However, both of these conditions can have serious health consequences if they remain untreated. Here’s why you should seek treatment for sleep apnea and anxiety sooner rather than later.