An Apple a Day…You Know: Quarantine Snacking Tips from a Fresno Dentist
April 23, 2020
It’s been a really long day. Work was stressful, you had back-to-back Zoom calls, and the first thing you want to do it reach for something sweet. While this is certainly understandable, the last thing anyone would want while quarantining during the COVID-19 pandemic would be a dental emergency. While your dentist in Fresno would be happy to see you, instead of opting for foods that leave you at risk for cavities, abscesses, and broken teeth, choose some healthier alternatives. These simple substitutes can have a big impact on your oral health as well as your stress level and overall well-being. (more…)
I Need to Eat! What to Do with Damaged Dentures in Fresno
April 2, 2020
Imagine that you’re in your kitchen preparing your favorite meal. It’s been a long time since you’ve treated yourself in that way. You sit down to eat and suddenly realize that something is wrong with your dentures. Regardless of how careful you are with them, dentures may occasionally have issues, crack, or break outright. The first thing you should do in this scenario is contact your dentist to fix your dentures in Fresno. Once you’ve set an appointment, you can consult our list of dos and don’ts to ensure the best possible outcome.
How to Make Your Dental Products Last Throughout Quarantine
March 22, 2020
To keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, it’s essential to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The last thing you need while trying to limit trips outside is to run out of toothpaste! Thankfully, your Fresno dentist has a few tips for extending the lifespan of your toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. Here’s how to keep your smile clean and make your dental products last throughout quarantine.
How to Break 6 Common Stress-Related Bad Habits in Quarantine
March 11, 2020
There’s a good chance you may occasionally feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed because of the current COVID-19 pandemic and its influence on society. Sometimes, feeling anxious can help us stay alert and careful of our surroundings, but it’s most well-known for its negative effects. It’s common knowledge that stress can cause headaches, an upset stomach, and insomnia, but it has a profound impact on your oral health as well. Your Fresno family dentist explains six harmful, stress-related habits that may be damaging your smile while in quarantine and how to break them.
5 Tell-Tale Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Dentures
February 7, 2020
Losing a permanent tooth may be an embarrassing situation, but it’s certainly not an uncommon one. According to the American College of Prosthodontics, nearly 120 million Americans are missing at least one permanent tooth and more than 36 million are missing all of their natural teeth! One of the easiest tooth replacement options available are dentures, which can help you get back to using and enjoying your beautiful smile right away! However, they’re not meant to last forever. Here are five tell-tale signs that it’s time to see your Fresno dentist to replace your dentures.
How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help an Aging Smile
January 21, 2020
As you get older, your body starts going through all sorts of changes. Your senses of hearing and taste may begin to diminish, your hair gets grayer, and your memory isn’t always as reliable as it used to be. But did you know that your teeth change too as you age? Unfortunately, these changes usually aren’t for the best. Your teeth and jawbone generally become weaker as you age, leading to all sorts of dental problems. Luckily, a cosmetic dentist in Fresno has plenty of treatment options available to make your smile look and feel young again.
Can You Get Invisalign If You Have Crowns?
January 11, 2020
If you have crooked teeth, you have likely heard of Invisalign, the latest craze sweeping through the dental world. These clear plastic aligners slip on over your teeth to shift them into a straighter, more desirable position. Perhaps you’re thinking of getting Invisalign in Fresno, but you’re worried the treatment won’t work because you have dental crowns on a few of your teeth. Can you still undergo Invisalign treatment anyway? Continue reading to find out!
5 Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Choose Invisalign to Fix Your Teeth
December 22, 2019
When it comes to correcting a poor bite, Invisalign in Fresno provides a convenient and reliable alternative to traditional braces. While they’re known for their aesthetic benefits, there are several other advantages that the clear aligners offer. As you continue reading, a local dentist lists 5 non-cosmetic reasons to choose Invisalign to fix your teeth!
4 Ways to Get a Perfect Smile Just in Time for the Holidays
December 6, 2019
At long last, the holiday season is here. If you’re not proud of the way your smile looks, you might dread this time of year. Family and friends will not only be seeing you for the first time in a while, but they will likely want to take pictures. The idea of your dental imperfections living forever in a photo is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Fresno is here to help. Here are four ways to get your smile photo-ready just in time for the holidays.
More Than Yellow Teeth: The Long-Term Health Effects of Plaque Buildup
November 16, 2019
Have you seen your dentist this year? If you’ve been brushing your teeth regularly and even have some dental floss sitting in your medicine cabinet, maybe you’ve been putting off your dental checkup. After all, if your teeth aren’t hurting, it’s easy to put your oral health on the back burner. On average, about 61% of Americans go to the dentist at least once a year, which means a little less than half of us skip getting our teeth cleaned professionally for a whole year. While brushing your teeth certainly helps combat yellow teeth and plaque, it won’t protect you from everything. If you’ve haven’t seen your dentist in Fresno this year, find out why it’s so important to get your dental checkup sooner rather than later.