Sedation Dentistry – Fresno, CA
Relaxing at the Dentist’s Office

If visiting the dentist makes you feel nervous or anxious, you may be a perfect candidate for sedation dentistry. Dr. Byron Reintjes, your Fresno dentist, is pleased to offer patients options for relaxing sedation: nitrous oxide (laughing gas), sedation, and general anesthesia for special cases. Keep reading to learn more about each and which may be right for you or your loved one. You can finally get the dental care you need without the stress thanks to sedation dentistry in Fresno, CA!
Why Choose the Fresno Family Dental Office of Byron L. Reintjes, DDS for Sedation Dentistry?
- Different Options Depending on Comfort Levels
- Warm, Welcoming Dental Office and a Caring Team
- General Anesthesia for Specific Procedures
Oral Conscious Dental Sedation
Patients suffering from higher levels of anxiety should ask about oral conscious sedation. You’ll be given medication before your appointment, which you’ll take at a given time. While you’re under the effects of the sedative, you’ll be in a very calm and relaxed state. You will not be asleep; you’ll be able to answer questions and follow instructions. However, you’re unlikely to care about what is going on around you, and you’ll probably forget what happened during your appointment.
Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation
Nitrous oxide is a gas that you breathe in through a small nasal mask during your treatment. Its effects take over almost immediately, making you feel light, happy, and totally removed from worry about what is going on around you. The effects of nitrous oxide will last throughout your entire appointment, and they’ll also wear off soon after the mask is removed so you can go on about your day without any lasting grogginess.
Sedation Dentistry FAQs
If you struggle to relax while in the dentist’s chair, or you need dental work, sedation dentistry may be an option for you. It’s normal to have a few concerns. Your sedation dentist in Fresno, Dr. Byron L. Reintjes, will explain everything during your consultation and ease any apprehensions. You can also contact our office to speak with a member of our team or take a look below at the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Sedation dentistry is safe for most patients in good health. Dr. Reintjes will learn more about your medical history and any medications you’re taking to choose the safest option for you. Generally, nitrous oxide is the safest, even for children. Your dental team will monitor you closely throughout your appointment for your safety.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry can be classified as a luxury by dental insurance plans, but there are exceptions. If Dr. Reintjes determines dental sedation is medically necessary, like when needing a complex procedure, your insurance may partially cover the cost after meeting your annual deductible. A member of our office will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize your benefits. Our office offers various payment solutions for any out-of-pocket costs, like monthly installments through CareCredit.
Will I Feel Any Pain with Dental Sedation?
Dental sedation can be used along with a numbing medication to prevent pain. At most, you may feel some strange sensations or pressure. After the effects of any medications dissipate, your mouth may be tender for a few days, depending on your treatment. You can manage it with an OTC pain reliever and eat soft foods. Dr. Reintjes will review any additional aftercare instructions before you head home.
Does Dental Sedation Cause Memory Loss?
Some dental sedations can cause fragmented memory, which is more common with oral conscious sedatives. This can benefit patients who have had poor dental experiences previously.
Will I Share My Secrets while Sedated?
Dental sedation isn’t a truth serum. Nitrous oxide might give you a case of the giggle and oral conscious might make you doze off. On the off chance you say anything embarrassing, rest assured, it will remain in the room. Dr. Reintjes and his dental team will always treat you with the utmost respect.
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