Sleep Apnea Appliances – Fresno, CA
The Right Tools
for the Job

If you’re struggling with obstructive sleep apnea, you may think that the only treatment option available to you is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). However, for many patients, this isn’t the right option. A large percentage of patients with obstructive sleep apnea find themselves unable to adjust to the sounds and sensations of their CPAP system. If you’re struggling to adjust to CPAP, a custom oral appliance may offer an effective alternative. If you want to learn more about sleep apnea appliances and other treatment options, call to schedule a consultation to discuss slep apnea appliances with our Fresno, CA dentist, Byron Reintjes, DDS, and his sleep dentistry team.
Why Choose the Fresno Family Dental Office of Byron L. Reintjes, DDS for Sleep Apnea Appliances?
- Carefully Customized, Comfortable Appliances
- Highly Advanced SomnoDent Appliances Available
- In-Network with Various Dental PPO Providers
How Do Sleep Apnea Appliances Work?
If you’ve ever taken a CPR or life support course, you likely remember one of the first steps you should take before beginning mouth to mouth is repositioning the head. To open the airway, you’ll tilt the head back and pull the jaw forward. Oral appliances provide the same effect using a discrete, comfortable custom-crafted oral splint. Sleep apnea appliances are also referred to as mandibular advancement splints. They reposition the mandible, jaw, shifting it forward to place pressure on the throat muscles to keep the airway clear, preventing apnea events.
Considering a Sleep
Apnea Appliance
If any of the following descriptions sound like you, it may be time to consider talking to Dr. Reintjes and his team about a sleep apnea appliance:
If you have severe obstructive sleep apnea and you want to improve the efficacy and comfort of CPAP therapy, we may recommend combining a custom sleep apnea appliance with your CPAP system.
- You’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and find yourself unable to adjust to your CPAP system
- You travel frequently, and bringing all of the equipment for your CPAP is inconvenient, meaning you regularly go without treatment
- You aren’t suffering from sleep apnea, but you do experience loud, chronic snoring that keeps you or a bed partner awake at night
The Unique
SomnoDent Sleep Apnea Appliance
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